NYE 2013 Until Sunrise
31st December 2013
22:00 PM until 1st January at 08:00 AM
Wilder Studios
Following the success of this Summer’s all night vigil ‘Sadhanathon’, we come together once again for New Years Eve!
What I have learnt is that when you work to transform something in yourself, or achieve a state of wellbeing, there is something about bringing that energy into the next day, into the light so to speak, that helps to anchor it.
This ensures that the shift you undergo is permanent.
What better time to ground in a new intention to create a new reality than on New Year’s Eve…right through to New Year’s Day!
This unprecedented event designed for the vigilant and the true of heart, will involve for the only time this year in Bristol…Kundalini Dance! The world’s most transformational system to use dance for self healing and empowerment.
It will also include ritual to set a clear intention for 2014, a period of exponential opportunity for growth and expansion.
Powerful Kundalini Yoga will be chosen to help shift through all inertia: Don’t bottle the past. That ship has sailed. Bottle a lighthouse, a flame of acceptance!
We will have an opportunity to sing our hearts out with devotion, using the high vibrational aquarian sadhana mantras.
We will glow in effervescent presence in our lighthouses to meditate so brightly that we become meditation itself, a beacon for humanity to create a New Earth for 2014.
I will hold space until dawn, that is what I do.
You having the intention is enough.
If you really need to leave before, you can take the light with you, or feel free to bring a sleeping bag. I will wake you for the morning light of a new dawn, a new day, a new year, a new you…
But for the strong, and true, the Sleeping Serpent is calling YOU!
By donation x