
Here is what some students have said about Mark Keane’s sessions with Sleeping Serpent:

Paul gives the perspective of someone new to Kundalini Yoga:

Always the entertainer, Chiara decided to make her testimonial into a theatrical performance –
just love how Kundalini Yoga makes you so playful and creative!

Testimonial on Kundalini Yoga & Dance Retreat

“Thank you for a wonderful time, it’s been magical and truly mesmerizing and not just because we were close to Merlin’s home, but I couldn’t imagine any other place that resonates better with the kundalini energy.

The Welsh Retreat Centre (Cerrig Llwyddion) is a wonderful place and was a spiritual home for kundalini yoga. Ladies, thank you so much for creating a wonderful retreat place. Your attention in detail is amazing..so many original ideas…and being looked after by an angel who was cooking the most mouth-wateringly delicious, fresh and vigorous organic vegetarian food made it all unique –especially the chocolate pecan almond cake and the homemade blackberry jam :-)

I enjoyed every single moment, including the morning sadhanas, the kundalini dance, sitting around the bonfire in the ong namo guru meditation circle, staring the stars, touching the wet moss on the trees during the tree yoga and washing my face in the ice cold river water…

Thank you Mark, we’ll be back”

-Eva Korponai, Hungary

Testimonial on Kundalini Yoga with Mark

“It was clear to me, from my first experience of Marks’ yoga class, that he lived and breathed Kundalini.

It’s a wonderful thing to witness someone living their Truth, and even better to benefit from it!

The classes were more than just physical yoga. Through his classes, Mark transmits the essence of yoga, which is the union of body and mind – to deepen our awareness of this present moment.

In this way, our physical forms become portals to the stillness, the peace, and the silence, that lives as our true nature.

I consistently came away from Mark’s classes feeling rejuvenated, grounded, and blissed out! All this on top of giving my body a wonderful workout.

Whether you would like to move your body, still your mind, or better understand yoga, I highly recommend Mark and everything his classes have to offer.

At the very least, you will find a way to exercise, meditate, and relax – all in one class!”

Georgia Simone Whitehouse, creator of ‘Love Movements’