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The beautiful rushing river of Cerrig Llwyddion

“Just feel the magic in the air and the power in the breeze
Feel the energy of the plants, the bushes and the trees
Let yourself be surrounded by nature at its best
Calm yourself, focus and let magic do the rest”
– Sally Walker

Cerrig Llwyddion – The true name of the ‘Welsh Retreat Centre’ is named after the bluestones local to the area which were used to build stonehenge.

Cerrig Llwyddion is in Camarthenshire, Camarthen being the legendary birthplace of Merlin, who famously used ‘magick’ to transport the stones from here to Stonehenge, or so the story goes…

Formidable Merlin carving along ‘Merlin’s Walk’, Camarthen

Formidable Merlin carving along ‘Merlin’s Walk’, Camarthen

Set amongst magically beautiful private woodland, it was the perfect place for Sleeping Serpent to have the first Kundalini Yoga & Kundalini Dance Woodland Retreat.

It is a retreat that embraces the best of both worlds i.e. where the eastern wisdom of Kundalini Yoga (The mother of Yoga) meets the western magical Celtic wisdom and lore.

What a special and wondrous synchronicity then that we should find there a permanent fire circle structure, with both the ancient pagan/magic circle symbol of the pentagram, and the sacred Kundalini Yoga mantra “Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo”(-I bow down to the unseen wisdom within)

This retreat is carefully designed to bring the magic back that still lies in the ancient wisdom of the land, especially in pockets of wilderness like this.

We gathered at the time of Halloween, known as Calan Gaef in Wales and adopted by new age pagans as Samhain from the Irish heritage. It was also the new moon, and as this is a time often associated with the end of Summer, and the start of the Celtic New Year, it was a gathering to celebrate new beginnings.

We gathered on Friday night to contemplate the wisdom of the World Tree and how that can be felt by connecting with our own nervous system, using basic kundalini yoga focusing on the spine, and guided visualisation.

“Look at a tree, a flower, a plant. Let your awareness rest upon it. How still they are, how deeply rooted in Being. Allow nature to teach you stillness.” – Eckhart Tolle

Up Saturday morning for Yoga and devotional singing that makes up the cornerstone of the Yogi’s practice known as ‘Sadhana’. No better way to start the day, and our sumpteous breakfast was waiting.

Saturday also saw the return of Kundalini Dance the UK, an incredibly powerful form of shamanic dance through the Chakra system. Words can not describe just how transformational this unique system is.

The fire ceremony we held on Saturday night was especially powerful. Afterwards, we contemplated the incredibly clear and bright starry night sky. We were lucky enough to witness the largest, brightest and longest viewing of a shooting star, over the magic circle, that I ever recall having the honour of seeing.

Sunday saw us return to the trees, but this time physically to contemplate the Celtic tree lore, and the wisdom of the Pine tree, and how this connects to Kundalini Yoga via ‘Tree Yoga’.

It was an incredibly pioneering and magical weekend for all concerned, but it is only the beginning….of using ancient technology to bring Britain back its roots.

To see information about the NEXT woodland retreat on Spring Equinox 2014, see the Retreats page

Mark Keane

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